Art Videos

Watch Natalie paint 100+ oil paintings in short time-lapse videos that appear at the bottom of each art page. Browse by search keyword, title of painting, or click on the collections below for a list of art pages.

NEW! Watch Natalie paint in real time! Full-length painting shows here.

  • Completed collection: “50 Oil Paintings Inspired by Savannah, Georgia” (the “Lion and the Lamb” painting in the featured video above is from this collection; see also landscapes, animals/birds found in GA, Savannah foods, and more)
  • Ongoing: Censored Artist Collection (political paintings typically censored on social media by removing “likes” or “retweets”, interfering with replies, replacing videos with a “sensitive media” box, suppressing views, etc.)
  • Children’s Books: Paintings for Grandpa Smiles, Nana Plays, Fred, and Bird Days- some of these are on YouTube, and will be added to this site at a later date.

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