Exceeded the Goal!

See this beach day oil painting come to life in 2 minutes (time lapse)

It was a day at the beach! No, it was a day spent in the driveway selling our things in the yard sale, but my daughter and I got sunburned as if we’d been at the beach sans sunscreen and common sense. I’m only sunburned on my face, but my daughter is quite red. Yikes! (She says she’s fine and I’m sure she will be)

The happy news is that we exceeded our goal! I wanted to raise the money for moving expenses, specifically the cost of two pods. I hoped to exceed our goal so we’d have a bit extra toward a last minute truck for things that we don’t want in the pods (like mattresses, other items we need to use right up to the last day, and live plants), and we DID! So, our basic moving expenses are now funded!

I’ve won the first round of “Unexpected Life Change”, and I will now advance to round two. In round two, the lender will reveal the magic numbers that will determine the range of housing options we can hunt for. If that number is lower than expected, we’ll then enter the Challenge Round. I hope not to enter that round.

I’ll focus on the win of today! Wow, I can’t believe we did it, and that it’s OVER! I turn yard sales into events, so it was about more than just selling stuff- it was an EXPERIENCE. People will remember our sale for a long while to come. I can write about that sometime, but that’s probably how I earn so much money from these. Maybe I should create a business where I am hired to put on a successful yard/garage sale for people? (NO! NOOOOOO! I’m absolutely joking! I am always thrilled when I’ve finished one of these, and always hope it’s my LAST one!)

All the work of the Yard Sale Event is done and I can now pack everything we have left, as we’ve determined that we want everything that we didn’t put in the sale. The thinking part is over. Now, just pack, pack, pack.

I still don’t know where I’m going, but at least I feel much more ready to leave the place where I currently am. That’s a big hurdle to jump over. I’ve cleared it!

It’s late here, and today was beyond exhausting. I’m off to bed. Good night, dear friends! Always remember that we have a most excellent chance of doing things that others think are impossible when we believe that we can, and then work to make it happen. But try to remember sunscreen if the impossible is outdoors on a sunny day!

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