Watch “The Moon and the Stars” oil painting come alive in 2 minutes (time lapse)

What does it all mean? What does Time mean? Why are we here?

“In brokenness, we find healing. We learn what parts of ourselves we want to put back together, and which pieces we don’t. This process can feel profoundly sad, as we may be temporarily lost.

When we lose the people, places, and purpose that defined us, we have an opportunity to make different choices. This can be a liberating and life-changing experience. We can be more of who we were always meant to be.”

May we see what’s possible in ourselves. We have the power to be who we were born to be, should we choose it. Let us accept the challenge to be happy, regardless of our circumstances.

God bless and keep you, this day and always, and may 2022 be a year of unlimited hope and spiritual prosperity.

Happy New Year, dear friends!


  1. Dear Natalie,

    Thank you for your Christmas and New Year spirit in celebration of 2021 coming to the end and in your looking forward to the new year. I have just published a new and special post entitled “🎊 Season’s Greetings: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 🎄🎅☃️” to celebrate the festive season. The post combines art, graphics, poems, music and animations. May you relish my new post to your heart’s content, as I have yours.

    The direct link to the post is:


    I hope that you will thoroughly enjoy the animations featured at my said post. If you were to visit my said post in situ, then you would be pleasantly surprised by a great number of extra features that cannot be seen via the WordPress Reader.

    I would also like to inform you that when you visit my blog, it is preferrable to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the rich multimedia contents available for heightening your multisensory enjoyment at my blog, which could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately. Please enjoy your visiting my blog at this festive season and let me know what you think via commenting once you are there browsing to your heart’s content!

    In addition, please turn on your finest speakers or headphones, as my aforementioned festive post will be playing music to you automatically for about two minutes.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year ☃️🎅!

    May you find 2022 very much to your liking and highly conducive to your travelling, writing, reading, thinking and blogging whatever topics that take your intellectual fancy and creative whim!

    Take care and prosper!

    Yours sincerely,

    1. Natalie Buske Thomas says:

      I enjoyed your blog’s happy greetings! Thank you.

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